Here are some cute images of dogs
Both pets naturally have territorial instincts, meaning they have a sense of responsibility to protect their territory and take charge in a situation and look after their young. They will both mark their territory on something physical by either rubbing their scent against it or urinating on it. They both employ their own types of tactics to fend off other invaders
Studies have shown time and time again that both dogs and cats provide a multitude of health benefits for their owners. From decreased blood pressure to helping lower anxiety and stress levels the bond between people and their pets can increase happiness. They both have equally beneficial effects on people's health in many different ways.
Whilst the affection displayed may vary between these two species, one thing both cats and dogs have in common is their ability to form strong, meaningful bonds with their owners. Dogs are slightly different in that they also enjoy the companionship of their fellow pooches as well as their owners whereas cats tend to enjoy their own company in the same way they appreciate the bond that comes with being domesticated. They both enjoy human company and require love, attention and affection from their chosen family.
Turns out that cats and dogs are equally amazing.